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5 Popular Treatments A Cosmetic Dentist Can Perform

When visiting a cosmetic dentist, most are looking for a smile makeover. Many procedures can help improve the appearance and function of your smile, and most only take one or two visits. Here are five of our practice’s most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments.Many patients seek a cosmetic dentist when their at-home whitening treatments deliver less-than-desirable…

Commonly Asked Questions About CEREC Same Day Crowns

Commonly Asked Questions About CEREC Same Day Crowns

Same-day crowns are now achievable due to CEREC® technology, which combines modern technology with significant advances in dentistry. Patients with fragile, fractured, damaged, or broken teeth may now have their dental condition assessed and even get a new dental crown designed and installed during one visit to the dentist's office. If you are considering CEREC…